Richard Mornington-Sanford, of Mornington Sanford Aviation, has worked closely with Robinson Helicopters for some 18 years, in the areas of engineering, flight safety and accident investigation. It gives me great pleasure in awarding Richard with Robinson Helicopters approval to conduct factory equivalent Robinson R22/R44 maintenance courses within the UK, Eire and Europe”.
Richard Mornington-Sanford has over fifty years of experience in the aviation industry; forty of these with the Robinson product. A CAA licensed helicopter engineer, a retired flight instructor (helicopters) and an active air accident investigator. Richard’s unique combination of expertise means that he is in demand from both aviation companies and aviation authorities across the world.
He is a Robinson Helicopter Accident/Technical Investigator and has RHC Factory Maintenance Training approval for the R22/R44/R66 types and conducts these courses in the UK, Europe and Worldwide.
Richard has a Part 66 engineering licence and UK CAA and EASA Part 147 Type Training approval for the R22/R44 and Lycoming engine and the R66 and RR300 (corp 250) engine. Combined with being a retired flight instructor on type, he is credited with having unrivalled experience, outside of the factory, on the Robinson product.
With over 26 years of flight instructor experience, Richard is passionate about flight safety and devotes a considerable amount of time to that cause, primarily through conducting the Robinson R22/44/66 Pilot Flight Safety Course.
He lectures worldwide on Human Factor Topics, is the author of ‘Flight Safety Harps’ and lockdown ‘Tea and Biscuit’ articles as well as articles published in various aviation magazines. He has hosted various Pro Bono Flight Safety lecture events in the UK. His technical publication ‘No Ice, thank you’ is available on this website as a free download and you can also listen to his podcasts as well as read his articles.
Conducted Robinson Type training for the following Aviation Authorities: Australia, EASA, Nigeria, Philippines and Sri Lanka.
Flight Safety advisor to:
- El Monte police department, L.A.
- UK Police helicopter operations
- Malaysia helicopter operators
- Bangladesh helicopter operators
- Russia helicopter operators
- Europe helicopter operators
- Nepal helicopter operators
- Thailand helicopter operators

- Robinson Helicopter European Flight Safety Course instructor
- Robinson Helicopter Factory Approved R22/R44/R66 Maintenance Training Course instructor
- CAA licensed engineer R22/R44/R66 type rated and others
- CAA qualified flying instructor (retired) R22/R44/R66, Bell 206/47, Gazelle
- Robinson Helicopter Approved overhauler
- UK CAA and EASA third party Part 147 Robinson Type Training Approval for the following:
- Robinson R22/R44 and R66
- Lycoming Piston Engine Series
- Rolls Royce 300 Engine
Areas of expertise

- Over 40 years with the Robinson product
- CAA Flight Instructor (retired)
- Part 66 Licensed Engineer
- Engineering specialist in all aspects of helicopter engineering and assembly of R22/R44/R66 for worldwide client base
- Pre-Purchase engineering appraisals
- Robinson approved overhauler
- Robinson Helicopter Company Accident/Technical Investigator
- Robinson R22/R44/R66 Flight Safety Course Instructor
- Robinson Factory Approved Maintenance course instructor
- UK CAA and EASA third party Part 147 R22/R44/R66 Lycoming & RR300 engine type training instructor
- Legal Work (expert witness)
- Lecturing (HCGB Flight Safety Day, AOPA, JAR/FCL Flight Instructor refresher seminars, human factors)

We at Heliluck would just like to say thank you for the outstanding Robinson R44 maintenance courses and Pilot training Course you have conducted with us at our facility in Bangkok over the past few years.Your product knowledge and professionalism is outstanding and a credit to Robinson Helicopter Company. Your help and support has been invaluable. We look forward to your next visit to us later in the year.”